Thursday, February 23, 2012

free write-Class notes 2/23/12

both sides can be right
playing pro social- helps... increased behaviors
violent- improving tension skills
attention problems--- addictions, same side affects as an addict of alcohol or drugs

 The research with in this document show that from both sides, someone can form a very strong argument. This states that video games help, and also hurt childerens' developemental problems. Video games can lead to progress in  areas such as social developement, but  hurt other areas at the same time. The reasearch with in this project was contrusted very well. It went in depth about both perspectives, along with comparing that information to studies outside of this country. With this information they were able to  diagnose a clinical problem- video game addiction.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Free write 2/21/12 and class notes?

 The best cookie I  have ever had. It is hard to narrow it down to just one, seeing as I have had a lot of amazing cookies in my life time. If I was able to narrow it down to one, I would start to analyze it in steps. First, deciding what about it makes it so amazing, the extra pieces?,  the type of cookie itself?, or who made it?. From there I would decided what makes it not so amazing, there must be  bad, to make something good. After setting apart he good, and bad, I would then take in to account how the cookie was made; the recipe, if it was fallowed. Then I would analyze how it was cooked; over cooked, under cooked, or just right.

1. texture
2. ingredients
3. color
4. shape
5. origin
6. taste
9. temperature
13.what you eat it with
14.where you are
15. history
16. process
17. who made it ( you, or someone else)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Class notes and free write 2/16/2012

The best piece of research I have ever read, was very recent. As a class we had been given an assignment to find to current events having to do with our learning groups. At the time I was in the technology and medicine learning group. I had been in touch with an older student here at Siena that had been telling me about her work with the  St. Judes program. I remembered that she mentioned something about a break through with cancer treatment. I then turned to the internet to find the article that she had been talking about. I consider this the best piece of research I have ever read not just because of the topic, but the content itself. The article thoroughly explained what their goals were, what they had achieved, what they need to achieve, and how they are doing so. The author had done this all in a very organized fashion.

notes on teach on the beach

-coming more with outside research
-internet connection making it difficult to communicate
-harder to talk about the current event then something common like sports
- easy to relate to
-hearing is a problem
-harder access to news here on campus
-point is to develop better leadership within Ghana
-hard to keep a conversation going? news was hard to talk about, domestic issues may be easier to talk about.
- introductions of siena students....uploading on to pick one person and connect on facebook chat!

what is research?
detailed information on a certain, or various topics. Sometimes expanding on current, non existing knowledge. Sometimes used to inform others of this certain topic.
what are the various types of research?
Various types of research consist  of databases, reading, books, articles, survey research... different styles or methods. Quantitative, qualitative
why do most people write down their research?
 Most people write down their research to clearly develop their ideas, and have a concrete copy. To remember better, and to organize
To what extent do people depend upon research in their daily lives?
People depend on research on almost a daily bases, I.e googling something to figure out what it is, or what it means, asking questions, directions

what organizations depends on research?
Organizations that depend on research are schools, science related businesses,anything that is dependent on making money can depend on research.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

free write 2/9/12

- lack of sleep
- rushing
- last minute work
- not enough time in the day
- being sick!
-goofing off too much

 These elements have contributed to my freshman year of college. First semester consisted of rushing around, lack of sleep,  and not enough time in the day. These aspects have caused me to feel over whelmed, and anxious at times. Although I have learned to balance out my time, second semester still has the same feeling. This time around it is due to  stress, being sick, and goofing off too much.
- exercise
- good relationships with friends/family members
-normal amount of sleep
- contributing to the community
-healthy diet
-reading for fun, not homework
These will result in a non hectic,  well balanced, happy life.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

2/2/12 free write

 Where to you spend most of your life, bucket one, or two, and why?

 I spend most of my life in bucket two, trying to fit the more important things about life around the less important. It is easy to say that you will  spend more time focusing on the major important items, that balance out your life. In reality, you get caught off guard by the little  things, and the crises which eventually start to run your life.  You end up running around trying to put out fire, after fire, neglecting the important aspects in bucket two.  If you focus on a bucket two type of paradigm, your priorities will consist of the major parts of your life, and tending to them. By doing so, this will act as a prevention for little crises. When they do happen one will be able to deal with them in a more composed matter.