Thursday, September 29, 2011

One aspect from the reading that applies to..

Tara Crisafulli

Prof. Harden

FYSM- Kelly Behrend and HATCH

              The Dragonfly affect, written by Andy Smith and Jennifer Aaker, demonstrates the basic guide to success. With in the first “wing” of this book these social networking savvy authors discuss a mnemonic device, HATCH. This stands for Humanistic, Actionable, Testable, Clarity, and Happiness. Aaker and Smith show with many different cases that following these aspects one will achieve their goal. With in this course we have visited numerous sites, and listened to a number of lectures. One of which really demonstrated the use of HATCH; Kelly Behrend's journey with service-learning projects.

            As Behrend ventured through the college experience she did not exactly know what she was doing, but she knew what she want to build up to. Unknowingly she used the HATCH theory and applied it very well. Kelly Behrend's over all goal was the fact that she want to make a difference in the world, and have a purpose; this was her target. She also had micro goals, such as the English for a second language class that she taught. Being able to teach this course, balance school work, and build strong relationships showed her that she could make a difference. This first obstacle was one of her micro goals that she had to complete in order to complete her macro goal. Behrend continued to follow this pattern, and made sure that her micro goals were reachable. She completed things such as getting her friend a job at her college cafateria. Now, if she had diced that she wanted to stop the war with in the country that her friend had came from, that would be non-testable or reachable. As she continued to this, then eventually found her clarity. This was the fact that she would create her own major. Which also played into her happiness; she was enjoying the work that went into making her own major. The fact that Behrend was happy doing this it made her more willing to work.

           Kelly Behrend would have never been able to accomplish her final goal if she had not gone about it the way she did. Along with Behrend's case there are numerous others proving the evidence that this HATCH theory actually works. In order to succeed one must have a target,plan, goals that are realistic, a clear goal, and to be happy with what they are doing.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


TaraMarie Crisafulli

FYSM-  Apple presentation

Prof. Harden

            The Apple company has changed the technology industry in a matter of years; something I personally thought could not be done. Apple has guided the development of technology in many different fields. This growing company seems to have its hands in everything, from medical tools, business tools, to the simplest luxury of listening to music on an Ipod. 

            In the last business quarter, Apple sold around 20 million Iphones. That was only one business quarter and only one product. When I think of the Apple company, I think of Ipods, computers, and Iphones. This company has developed their products to the point where they have the time to focus solely on how to make their product environmentally friendly. The uni-body design of their laptop cuts down on the over use of materials.  If you look at a PC laptop and compare it an Apple, you will realize that PC laptops have many different panels and pieces; an Apple laptop has one main sheet of aluminum on the top and bottom, making it more eco-friendly.

Apple has developed their products so thoroughly that they have moved on to other fields that need technological improvement.  For example, they now create products such as blood pressure monitors. This allows a patient with a health problem to monitor their blood pressure at any point in the day and anywhere they want something that was near impossible before Apple’s product. All they need to do is plug the product into their Iphone, making a very inconvenient task very accessible.  

Yes, Apple has started to show how technology can be used in very serious and important situations, but this company will not give up on their entertainment and luxury items, such as the recently released Irig.  This product allows you to hook up your guitar to your Iphone. With it, you can record and in ways edit your music. If you ask any musician they will tell you that without this product it is very complicated to complete such tasks.

This growing company continues to show their clients that they are always one step ahead of the game.  Apple, throughout the years has shaped and molded the standards of the technology industry. As the years go on I can positively say that this company will continue to expand to other different fields.

St. john's/ St. Ann's

TaraMarie Crisafulli

FYSM- St. John's/St.Ann's Outreach Center

Prof. Harden

            St. John's/ St. Ann's Outreach center has single handily helped hundreds of families over the last 30 years. This outreach center has provided stability for those who can not provide it for themselves. The center has done this by providing three meals a day, comfort, a pantry that is open to anyone, and common house hold items. As I am sitting here, I am thinking to myself, this is a lot that one single center does. Now mix the hard work, and devotion of these returning volunteers or workers with some sort of technology. The goals that St.John’s/ St. Ann's center could achieve would be endless.

             St. John's/ St. Ann’s as of right now are working of off a budget and donations. These donations are results of advertisements, personal experience, or word of mouth. What some people do not realize is the fact that one simple story and the mention of an establishment such as the center can go a long way. A lot of the donations they receive are because of the fact that people have heard about what the center is doing, and they want to help.  Now if the good 'ol grape vine can have that much effect on donations, picture what a website can do. If a simple facebook group could be set up, it would do wonders for the center. The page could send out notifications for events, or when the center might need more volunteers.  It is the domino effect that could really help the center get noticed; one person likes it on Facebook and recommends it to ten friends. Out of those ten friends you might get another five more people to like the page.

 With the use of other social networking sites such as twitter the outreach center can send out information even faster. Twitter can be used to inform volunteers, spread the word about special items they have in stock (seasonal clothing, beds etc.), or inform the community of other events the center is holding. Also the website Youtube can be beneficial, if someone posts a quick clip of what happens at the outreach center on regular bases it will raise awareness.

            St.John's/ St. Ann's outreach center has provided almost every aspect of life for their members. of its community. The one major aspect that they have provided is an education. This center has also started a G.E.D/ college preparation program for anyone who wishes to participate. Turning out 13 graduates last year; aging in the range from 18-68.  This program does not only promote education with in the community, but it also promotes a foundation for a good future.  This G.E.D program will increase the number of college students in the area, which will give them more job opportunities. Now seeing as the program by itself has done a lot, why not take it to the next level. If this program offered a  course on computer use, it would benefit the people of the community even more. This is due to the fact that almost any job in society today holds a requirement of having to know how to operate a computer; giving the people another advantage.

            Those who have grown up in this generation have taken technology for granted. We do not realize how a simple computer, or an advertisement on the side of a web site can really make a difference.




Information literacy

Tara Crisafulli

Prof. Harden


            Technology has forever change the way people read, write, and educate themselves. When one thinks of technology something such as a card catalog does not come to mind. The “old school” ways of a library have been changed due to a simple computer. If I remember correctly, when I was in fifth grade I would have to dig through multiple different draws of a card catalog before finding the card that you needed. This being very time consuming and aggravating needed a change; an online card catalog. Along with this online catalog, technology has advanced many different aspects of information literacy.

             The use of an online catalog does not just save time, but it is more convenient and organized. If one wanted to find out if there are multiple copies of a book, or if they were check out, it could be done in a heartbeat. On the rare occasion that all copies are checked out, or the library does not have the book you need, one would turn to loaning from other collections. Due to the fact that these other collections are at other institutions, it makes it hard to find out what they have. New York connect now makes it possible to search for a book with in collections that belong to colleges/universities around New York state. Then allowing you to check out the book, and have it delivered to your school. The only flaw in this is the fact that it could take up to a week for the book to come in.

            Time is a reoccurring problem that technology is able to sweep under the rug. Loaning books from other collections is very beneficial, but there is one more tool that makes Connect New York look like an item of the past; online search engines. Search engines began with Google, Yahoo, and Ask Jeeves  then continued to stretch to things like  Wilson web, Pro quest, or Lexus Nexus. Engines such as Google give you results that match up with you input. This does not necessarily mean that it has anything to with the topic, or item you are looking for. Where as Pro quest, Lexus Nexus, or Wilson web are a more developed; when searching you are able to narrow down your results. These engines let you search by key word, topic, time period, or type ( newspaper article, novel, journal etc.).  This allows one to access information in a timely, less aggravating manor.

            The ability to locate, identify, and access information is a large part of society.  Some may consider the purpose of technology is for timely access, and as stated with in this blog, technology has done its job.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

kelly Behrend

Tara Crisafulli

Prof. Harden

Bonner organization

            Four years; 1,460 days, this is a large amount of time in which one person can change. The opportunity is open to change not just themselves, but to change their surroundings. Four years is enough time to write a book, make life long friends, get a degree, and many other things. When Kelly Behrend began her freshman year she knew she wanted to make a difference. She did not know that with in four years she would travel the world, create her own major, and help dozens of people. All of which she was able to do because of service-learning projects.

            Kelly Behrend joined the Bonner Society as a freshman in college, not really knowing how this would affect her. This society requires 8-10 hours of community service a week, and in return these students are rewarded with scholarships. The reward of earning this scholarship is not the sole purpose of this society. The sole purpose is to show that you can gain more than a scholarship from helping others. Behrend described her first service project with such passion that you would think it happened yesterday. Her first project consisted of teaching English for a second language course at a church not to far from her school. This seems as if it would be a simple task, but it is not. It takes a large amount of patience and energy to accomplish this task. Through doing this Behrend found herself not just teaching a class, but translating doctors' notes, bills, and eviction notices. When she took on this job she soon realized she was not just teaching, she was slowly becoming a part of these peoples' families. Behrend became the voice that these people did not have.

            Kelly Behrend gained a large amount of experience from her teaching, and even more from her trips around the world. The service-learning projects taught her that you must understand every side of the story. People don't realize that immigrants and refugees are just thrown into this country, without any prior knowledge of our language. Through projects like Behrend's English class, one realizes that these people do really want to learn, and understand what is going on around them. Sometimes it the fact that they don't receive the benefit of the doubt, which holds them back.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

St. John's / St. Ann's outreach center

Tara Crisafulli

FYSM- St. John's/St.Ann's Outreach Center

Prof. Harden

                St. John's/ St. Ann's Outreach center has single handily helped hundreds of families over the last 30 years. This outreach center has provided stability for those who can not provide it for themselves. The center has done this by providing three meals a day, comfort,a pantry that is open to anyone, and common house hold items. As I am sitting here, I am thinking to myself, this is a lot that one single center does. Now mix the hard work, and devotion of these returning volunteers or workers with some sort of technology. The goals that St.John's/ St. Ann's center could achieve would be endless.

              St. John's/ St. Ann's as of right now is working of off a budget of and donations. These donations are results of advertisements, personal experience, or word of mouth. What some people do not realize is the fact that one simple story, and the mention of an establishment such as the center can go a long way. A lot of the donations they receive are because of the fact that people have heard about what the center is doing, and they want to help. Now if the good 'ol grape vine can have that much effect on donations, picture what a website can do. If a simple facebook group could be set up, it would do wonders for the center. The page could send out notifications for events, or when the center might need more volunteers. It is the domino effect that could really help the center get noticed; one person likes it on Facebook and recommends it to ten friends. Out of those ten friends you might get another five more people to like the page.

            St.John's/ St. Ann's outreach center has provided almost every aspect of life for their members. of its community. The one major aspect that they have provided is an education. This center has also started a G.E.D/ college preparation program for anyone who wishes to participate. Turning out 13 graduates last year; aging in the range from 18-68. this program does not only promote education with in the community, but it also promotes a foundation for a good future. This G.E.D program will increase the number of college students in the area, which will give them more job opportunities. Now seeing as the program by itself has done a lot, why not take it to the next level. If this program offered a course on computer use, it would benefit the people of the community even more. This is due to the fact that almost any job in society today holds a requirement of having to know how to operate a computer. Once again giving the people another advantage.

      Those who have grown up in this generation have taken technology for granted. We do not realize how a simple computer, or an advertisements on the side of a web site can really make a difference.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Apple Store

TaraMarie Crisafulli

FYSM-  Apple presentation

Prof. Harden

            The Apple company has changed the technology industry in a matter of years; something I personally thought could not be done. Apple has guided the development of technology in many different fields. This growing company seems to have its hands in everything, from medical tools, business tools, to the simplest luxury of listening to music on an Ipod. 

            In the last business quarter, Apple sold around 20 million Iphones. That was only one business quarter and only one product. When I think of the Apple company, I think of Ipods, computers, and Iphones. This company has developed their products to the point where they have the time to focus solely on how to make their product environmentally friendly. The uni-body design of their laptop cuts down on the over use of materials.  If you look at a PC laptop and compare it an Apple, you will realize that PC laptops have many different panels and pieces; an Apple laptop has one main sheet of aluminum on the top and bottom, making it more eco-friendly.

Apple has developed their products so thoroughly that they have moved on to other fields that need technological improvement.  For example, they now create products such as blood pressure monitors. This allows a patient with a health problem to monitor their blood pressure at any point in the day and anywhere they want something that was near impossible before Apple’s product. All they need to do is plug the product into their Iphone, making a very inconvenient task very accessible.  

Yes, Apple has started to show how technology can be used in very serious and important situations, but this company will not give up on their entertainment and luxury items, such as the recently released Irig.  This product allows you to hook up your guitar to your Iphone. With it, you can record and in ways edit your music. If you ask any musician they will tell you that without this product it is very complicated to complete such tasks.

This growing company continues to show their clients that they are always one step ahead of the game.  Apple, throughout the years has shaped and molded the standards of the technology industry.