Tuesday, September 27, 2011

St. john's/ St. Ann's

TaraMarie Crisafulli

FYSM- St. John's/St.Ann's Outreach Center

Prof. Harden

            St. John's/ St. Ann's Outreach center has single handily helped hundreds of families over the last 30 years. This outreach center has provided stability for those who can not provide it for themselves. The center has done this by providing three meals a day, comfort, a pantry that is open to anyone, and common house hold items. As I am sitting here, I am thinking to myself, this is a lot that one single center does. Now mix the hard work, and devotion of these returning volunteers or workers with some sort of technology. The goals that St.John’s/ St. Ann's center could achieve would be endless.

             St. John's/ St. Ann’s as of right now are working of off a budget and donations. These donations are results of advertisements, personal experience, or word of mouth. What some people do not realize is the fact that one simple story and the mention of an establishment such as the center can go a long way. A lot of the donations they receive are because of the fact that people have heard about what the center is doing, and they want to help.  Now if the good 'ol grape vine can have that much effect on donations, picture what a website can do. If a simple facebook group could be set up, it would do wonders for the center. The page could send out notifications for events, or when the center might need more volunteers.  It is the domino effect that could really help the center get noticed; one person likes it on Facebook and recommends it to ten friends. Out of those ten friends you might get another five more people to like the page.

 With the use of other social networking sites such as twitter the outreach center can send out information even faster. Twitter can be used to inform volunteers, spread the word about special items they have in stock (seasonal clothing, beds etc.), or inform the community of other events the center is holding. Also the website Youtube can be beneficial, if someone posts a quick clip of what happens at the outreach center on regular bases it will raise awareness.

            St.John's/ St. Ann's outreach center has provided almost every aspect of life for their members. of its community. The one major aspect that they have provided is an education. This center has also started a G.E.D/ college preparation program for anyone who wishes to participate. Turning out 13 graduates last year; aging in the range from 18-68.  This program does not only promote education with in the community, but it also promotes a foundation for a good future.  This G.E.D program will increase the number of college students in the area, which will give them more job opportunities. Now seeing as the program by itself has done a lot, why not take it to the next level. If this program offered a  course on computer use, it would benefit the people of the community even more. This is due to the fact that almost any job in society today holds a requirement of having to know how to operate a computer; giving the people another advantage.

            Those who have grown up in this generation have taken technology for granted. We do not realize how a simple computer, or an advertisement on the side of a web site can really make a difference.




1 comment:

  1. I think this is a good essay, and the idea of creating a facebook page was really smart. I wish I thought of it! If you were to add anything I would include some details on the productivity of their business. Also maybe how much the neighbors and people of the community appreciate their efforts.
    -Matt Funiciello
