Tuesday, November 29, 2011

class notes 11/29/11

TaraMarie Crisafulli
Free Write

Steve Jobs: The Single most important class I have ever took was calligraphy (Fancy writing)
 When hearing this quote I think of one thing. If a single person is able to present themselves in a proper or high class way, they will be treated accurately to the way that they act. If done correctly when presenting one’s self, or their work, it is almost impossible to tell if they have had a prior education in the topic. This relates to calligraphy due to the fact that it is the English language, with a little swirl. Something that may seem more high class, or professional. This may represent that anything is possible if one conducts themselves in a professional way.  Writing is the foundations, to improving communication. 
Others thoughts:
This course would teach the foundation of communication
May have sparked him to create his own form of communication; apple inc.
The symbols used with in this are very intricate, takes patients to master
It flows easier; it is pleasing to the human eye.
The aspects that Steve jobs took away from this course helped him to go on and run his company. It was stated that he saw communication as a form of an art. Due to this class he create more user friendly o.s, and sleeker look.

Technology and sports
Technology and entertainment
Future of technology
Technology and the medical field
Technology and advertising / marketing (sports)
Technology and education
Technology and communication
Elements of the best class:
Movies and discussion
Time to relate to the teacher
Future use

How to:
More field trips
Current events
Connecting on a personal level/ related events
Dinner and movie
Teaching each other, learning from each other’s experiences / passion
Class project
 Must be kept up with, tons of loose ends that must be tied up.
Grading the project as a class?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Free write 11/17/11

what is complex about our class project is...what is simple about our class project..
The complexity of this project is the  process in which we have to encounter. Much like any other system there are numerous steps, obstacles which make this project complex. The project breaks down into numerous different tasks or micro goals that may be harder to accomplish then we thought. When I say this I mean things such as actually receiving mattresses. The simple part about this project is getting the word out, and making people aware. The difficult part is actually making it happen. Micro goals make it easier to achieve our  macro goal, but some of those micro goals tend to turn into bigger obstacles.

others said
-lack of  motivation
- Talking alot, but we should do more

Thursday, November 3, 2011

11/3/11 class project notes

Helpful to create a website
- This will consist of the main goals, and how we will reach them
- Creating QRCs
- Gaining a personal story,this will draw in the people wanting to help the cause
- QRC can be used for email signatures
-Find free post areas
-Connnect the facebook page to the QRC
- use the slogan that we created 

11/3/11 class notes


-Dan uses hypothetical stuations that will get pople to stray away the banking system.
-Creating a new cause to distract those from what was going on
the canvas bags that are used in pricechopper
-He used each wing from the dragon fly affect to properly reach his goal
- set goals
- grabbed attention; youtube, sound of  a the plastic bag. Connection that every a time a bag opened something bad would happen. Eventually setting it up so that people would use canvas over plastic
- let people put in their own oppinions
-Put this cause in the hands of people that the audience would look up to
- He was pasionate enough about this cause that it made it easy for him to do all of these things
-Uses kids to get to their parents through twitter, and youtube
Also using technology such as flip video camera
CONCLUSION- any tool is a subject to misuse, and new tools are particulary prone to this because people don't have sufficient exprience to know hwat their pitfalls are
-Do not get distracted by other people's goals when setting out to reach our own

 create a new campaign to distract from your own problems
If i were a celeberity, and in the middle of getting a divorce I would use this attention for a greater good. When doing so I would also deflect the attention from myself. First I would set up a game plan/ or goals; decide over all what I wanted to achieve. In this case it would be awareness for some sort of medical disorder. I would grab the attention of my audience by using my situation to draw them in, they I would tell them about my cause. From there I would get the audience invovled some how, through facebook, twitter, youtube. By using the social networking websites it would enable those to vocie their own oppinion on the topic.

 This was done to show that the problem is the motive- nutural methods were given with in the  book.