Thursday, March 29, 2012

Free write 3/29/12

Thesis-  Abolition of slavery, done so in different ways over the years

- technology differences-

Printing press v. Twitter and Facebook
- They  cause the same type of change just in a different speed, and a different way.
- Printing press evolved into things such as conferences, and protesting.
- It has now evolved into a simple social statement. Things like tweeting, wearing a Tshirt, or liking something on facebook.

This speech seemed less professional due to the fact that it had a lack of "liable" sources. She referenced things like twitter, and facebook. Which are tools that less reliable, and more casual to todays generations

- This will push us towards more reliable sources, and research
- this piece was more compare and contrast then anything else.

phasing of tech and ed






human intervention with technology


self regulation


operations of tech and education




tools or toys


capacity of tech and ed


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Class notes 3/20/12

---The research paper----
this is an ongoing conversation between writers and readers

what does the word problem mean to researchers?
- not the same kinds of problems from the past
Pick a topic that interests you
start gathering information- articlces, journals, online database
A broad topic

- occupy the pages of encyclopedias
-if you can state your topic in four or five words, it is too broad

Narrower-- more important
- patterens, gaps, and puzzles show under the surface

moving from broad to narrow

do so by using descriptive words that indicate a relationship
Name your topic----- I am learning about or working on____________ ( Technology  in the globalization of education)

I am studying blank_____ (TGE) because I want to find out ________ why there is a current replacement or upgrade of the traditional classroom. 

why is your topic area important to anyone other than you?
This topic will not just effect future classrooms, but the Jobs in which these classrooms are preparing  this generation for. 
This will affect the current student generation, and the current work force.
The history of technology replacing human Jobs

EXAMPLE Broad-Narrow
Free will in Tolstoy
There is free will with in his novels
History of commercial avaition
Commercial aviation has a history

The conflict of free will and the tolstoys description of the three wars

High school v College

 Falls short if a researcher asks no specific questions
If there is no question, then he can not offer a specific  answer worth supporting
with out a answer or question to support  she cannot select  from  the data that is relevant  

Formulate questions that point you to data


Start with the basics, write down the questions you find in your research, do not stop to answer them

how does this fit into a larger developmental context?

Why did your topic come into being?
SYSTEM DIAGRAMS- allows you to figure out what the connections are
What about its own internal history? how did this come about?.

Formulate three questions? write them down!

Think about the impact of the academic disciplines?
-- branch of Knowledge--- Majors!

What other areas does this affect?
 What is the historic bias?
What is the scope of the problem?

thinking about how your topic or your questions fit into a larger structure???
 how do the parts fit together to make a system?
 how can your topic be grouped into kinds?
what if?

Avoid fallowing questions

do not ask questions that are already answered!
- their answers are settled
- their answer would be merely speculative ( what if the moon was made of green cheese?)
-the answers are dead ends or  irrelevant 

-Consumers, the people involved, the economic supporters  ( sponsors) , celebrities ( endorsements) 

what will be lost if you don't answer your question?
How will not answering it keep us form understanding something else better than we do?

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Class free write 3/8/12

this last week
 time spent
spring break plan

With in this last week I have spent the majority of my time in three buildings; the library, Roger Bacon, and Siena hall. In a way have formed a type of rotation, First I start out at the library studying once that gets too loud, or I can concentrate  I move over to Siena Hall. I spend my time studying there until either all of my friends show up, or it gets too creepy to remain with in the building. After one of the two options happen, I move over to Roger Bacon where I set up shop. I buckle down, and get my work done for the night. I have spent  the majority of my time either studying or sleeping, I feel like this is a healthy combination. Over spring break I plan on getting a head start, or getting some class projects done. For FYSM itself, I plan on finishing both of the books, then writing the paper. After this I would like to finish my English research paper, then get a head start on my psychology, and Religion mid terms. Some where in between all of this I plan on working at my father's office, and finishing up the filing for the year. When looking at the big picture I feel like I have bit off more than I can chew, but I have faith that if I manage my time well enough I can get it all done.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

3/6/12 Americo VISTA

discuss the different type of issue areas
- Housing/Shelter
    -Standard of living
   - Disaster Services
   - Stewardship- Environment, taking care and responsibly
- Jobs
- Education
- Health Care
- Lack of resources
-Veterans/ Military Families

 The Branches of Americo VISTA
     - 1964 under Kennedy .... 7,000 individuals, local nonprofit service work, Program developement etc.
    - 3 year term, purpose is to better the program
    - Trail Blazers-- College Access program-- Building leadership in the community to better themselves to create a good college applicant
    - A year they take a vow of Poverty
    - Summer program-  Working at Siena for some kind of project--- summer service scholars-- end of term... Educational reward--- Thomas Moore house... corner of rt. 9 and Fiddler Lane

    - Based on 5 campuses-- teams travel to other states to focus on disaster response
    - Travel with the same team-- more hands on--- Ages of 18-24
    - ten month position
     - full time or part time, do not have regulations that Vista has
     - This is making it happen where as Vista is building

Committing your life to service, the ways in which you can do that
    - Starting a non-profit organization
    - Getting involved in a cause close to you
    - Fund raising
    - Marketing... Ads
    - Volunteering in an out reach, or shelter program
    -  GRAD SCHOOL- continuing your education that is geared towards service in the community--- public health
            - teacher
            - Administrative role in the community or school
            - Through these jobs you can start programs
             - If you teach with in the city the gov  after 5 years with help pay for your student loans
            - No matter what you study some non profit can be benefited from what you study.
            - Non profits always looking for help... college.. high-school kids
            - Looking for internships that would be involved with a non profit, or can get that company or what ever involved with a non profit.
            - U.S Air-force... Military.... etc.- service to the country
            - Any type of Doctor or medical field
           -   Case studies on how to change the world------ those subjects didn't take no for an answer
           - Masters degree in 911 Management
           - The point is to not go in to a program that can specialize on a topic, but finding something and connecting it to what your skills are


Thursday, February 23, 2012

free write-Class notes 2/23/12

both sides can be right
playing pro social- helps... increased behaviors
violent- improving tension skills
attention problems--- addictions, same side affects as an addict of alcohol or drugs

 The research with in this document show that from both sides, someone can form a very strong argument. This states that video games help, and also hurt childerens' developemental problems. Video games can lead to progress in  areas such as social developement, but  hurt other areas at the same time. The reasearch with in this project was contrusted very well. It went in depth about both perspectives, along with comparing that information to studies outside of this country. With this information they were able to  diagnose a clinical problem- video game addiction.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Free write 2/21/12 and class notes?

 The best cookie I  have ever had. It is hard to narrow it down to just one, seeing as I have had a lot of amazing cookies in my life time. If I was able to narrow it down to one, I would start to analyze it in steps. First, deciding what about it makes it so amazing, the extra pieces?,  the type of cookie itself?, or who made it?. From there I would decided what makes it not so amazing, there must be  bad, to make something good. After setting apart he good, and bad, I would then take in to account how the cookie was made; the recipe, if it was fallowed. Then I would analyze how it was cooked; over cooked, under cooked, or just right.

1. texture
2. ingredients
3. color
4. shape
5. origin
6. taste
9. temperature
13.what you eat it with
14.where you are
15. history
16. process
17. who made it ( you, or someone else)

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Class notes and free write 2/16/2012

The best piece of research I have ever read, was very recent. As a class we had been given an assignment to find to current events having to do with our learning groups. At the time I was in the technology and medicine learning group. I had been in touch with an older student here at Siena that had been telling me about her work with the  St. Judes program. I remembered that she mentioned something about a break through with cancer treatment. I then turned to the internet to find the article that she had been talking about. I consider this the best piece of research I have ever read not just because of the topic, but the content itself. The article thoroughly explained what their goals were, what they had achieved, what they need to achieve, and how they are doing so. The author had done this all in a very organized fashion.

notes on teach on the beach

-coming more with outside research
-internet connection making it difficult to communicate
-harder to talk about the current event then something common like sports
- easy to relate to
-hearing is a problem
-harder access to news here on campus
-point is to develop better leadership within Ghana
-hard to keep a conversation going? news was hard to talk about, domestic issues may be easier to talk about.
- introductions of siena students....uploading on to pick one person and connect on facebook chat!

what is research?
detailed information on a certain, or various topics. Sometimes expanding on current, non existing knowledge. Sometimes used to inform others of this certain topic.
what are the various types of research?
Various types of research consist  of databases, reading, books, articles, survey research... different styles or methods. Quantitative, qualitative
why do most people write down their research?
 Most people write down their research to clearly develop their ideas, and have a concrete copy. To remember better, and to organize
To what extent do people depend upon research in their daily lives?
People depend on research on almost a daily bases, I.e googling something to figure out what it is, or what it means, asking questions, directions

what organizations depends on research?
Organizations that depend on research are schools, science related businesses,anything that is dependent on making money can depend on research.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

free write 2/9/12

- lack of sleep
- rushing
- last minute work
- not enough time in the day
- being sick!
-goofing off too much

 These elements have contributed to my freshman year of college. First semester consisted of rushing around, lack of sleep,  and not enough time in the day. These aspects have caused me to feel over whelmed, and anxious at times. Although I have learned to balance out my time, second semester still has the same feeling. This time around it is due to  stress, being sick, and goofing off too much.
- exercise
- good relationships with friends/family members
-normal amount of sleep
- contributing to the community
-healthy diet
-reading for fun, not homework
These will result in a non hectic,  well balanced, happy life.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

2/2/12 free write

 Where to you spend most of your life, bucket one, or two, and why?

 I spend most of my life in bucket two, trying to fit the more important things about life around the less important. It is easy to say that you will  spend more time focusing on the major important items, that balance out your life. In reality, you get caught off guard by the little  things, and the crises which eventually start to run your life.  You end up running around trying to put out fire, after fire, neglecting the important aspects in bucket two.  If you focus on a bucket two type of paradigm, your priorities will consist of the major parts of your life, and tending to them. By doing so, this will act as a prevention for little crises. When they do happen one will be able to deal with them in a more composed matter.

Monday, January 30, 2012

1/30/12 tech and med meeting

going about the project-

-to become familiar with subject regarding tech and med.
-all of this has to be done on a schedule= guide lines
- creating a research question, is not like creating a question for a two page book report.
- an issues that may not have been questioned before, or a developing topic, different way in which we are looking at a topic.
-How have we viewed the treatment of cancer?
- block off, and plan out timing for readings
feb.- 10th off
march 12th-16th  spring break
april  5th - 9th Easter break

 last day of class- 26th

-collection of the finest works of the first year students of siena- selected by a committee

totally done with 7 habits- 17th of feb. and project due around the 23rd -5-6 page paper
 track to present research- publishing work, two different tracks
have the final learning group paper done by April 3rd

 feb- done with outlines and reading due 28th ( post outlines on wiki)
march 1st-  group meeting 
march 8th- second project due 
march 19th- learning group meetings with librarian  
april 10th- third project due

Thursday, January 26, 2012

page 81/82 7 habits

Circle of concern and Influence

 the circle of  concern- in this case would represent her idea of  creating jobs, bettering the environment, and making outsiders look at this community as if it is equal to their own. Her past, and other opinions can not be changed. Robert "moses" road ways. The way her race have effected her life experiences. Can not control other people's reactions. 
the circle of influence-   in this case it would involve the fact that she is apart of this community, she has experience the violence, hate, and disrespect of this community. She no longer wants to experience walking down the street in a toxic neighborhood. This has fueled her to take action, and get involved 

Class notes 1/26/12

 Talking to  bring awareness to the people about the un level balance of  nature, and commercial pollution 
 She found a  tiny street end that had been over taken by trash, and liter. Over taking the view of the river.
1/4  have asthma
- showing that the under privileged  have common ground with the upper class, but it is the living condition in which they are set apart. It is the living conditions that condone  the behavior that it is turning out. It is the fact that  no one is willing to help, but willing to make it worse ( adding highways, chemical plants, etc.)

- She  wanted to change this, did so by creating a green movement " Green the Ghetto"
- green roofs
-creating solutions, and jobs 

no community should have more burdens than good things.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

free write 1/24/2012

    Its easy to fly threw life only caring about how events or actions affect yourself. These actions or events maybe a stimulus for a certain type of response. A response that may have been different if  you stop and take into consideration the others around you. Its easy to get angry when someone cuts you off in rush hour traffic, but they too are in a hurry. This other person maybe in a hurry for something a little more important, such as an emergency. Its hard to go through day to day situations tip toeing around others, but its not tip toeing. All you have to do is treat others the same way you would want to be treated, don't over react, and take a second to think before you act.