Thursday, March 8, 2012

Class free write 3/8/12

this last week
 time spent
spring break plan

With in this last week I have spent the majority of my time in three buildings; the library, Roger Bacon, and Siena hall. In a way have formed a type of rotation, First I start out at the library studying once that gets too loud, or I can concentrate  I move over to Siena Hall. I spend my time studying there until either all of my friends show up, or it gets too creepy to remain with in the building. After one of the two options happen, I move over to Roger Bacon where I set up shop. I buckle down, and get my work done for the night. I have spent  the majority of my time either studying or sleeping, I feel like this is a healthy combination. Over spring break I plan on getting a head start, or getting some class projects done. For FYSM itself, I plan on finishing both of the books, then writing the paper. After this I would like to finish my English research paper, then get a head start on my psychology, and Religion mid terms. Some where in between all of this I plan on working at my father's office, and finishing up the filing for the year. When looking at the big picture I feel like I have bit off more than I can chew, but I have faith that if I manage my time well enough I can get it all done.

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