Tuesday, October 25, 2011

class notes 10/25/11-free write-

Inspiration and System theories

Inspiration- from the latin term spirare meaning to breathe, to give life to.

    As I was little I remember thinking to myself, I just want to grow up, I want to be older. What sparked these thoughts was the fact that I was looking up to two people in my life; my older siblings. My brother Joe who is 7 years older than me, and sister Maura who is 2 years older than me. As I have grown up over the years they both have played a huge part in my life.  These two people have impacted the people I hang out with, how I conduct myself, and my life decisions. I have avoided, and gained many things from their expierences. Not only their expiernces, but their advice. It  was a proven fact that through out highschool there was a 100% chance that I would listen to my siblings over my parents. As I sit here today I am thankful for the fact that they were welcoming with taking me under their wing.

What happens to inspiration when you don't share it?
Does not go any where, doesn't change anything

open source-public resources,free
 - others can contribute to it
- youtube,firefox, wikipedia

Floerence Nightingale- Stake holders= The memebrs of the Military of that refused her help. Went back to England to gain support. The patients that have their lives invested in her treatment.


Draw a diagram in a flow chart for how I would like to second half of the sesmester to go.

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