Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Creation of artificial life

Tara Crisafulli


Prof. Harden

         As the artificial cell had been born, the scientist had created a purpose, and a plan for these cells. At one point they will become humans. According to, the definition of a human is, of or pertaining to the social aspect of people: human affairs. Even though these people had not been created the traditional way, they are still human. Artificial life is does not fallow the same steps as traditional human life. Being artificially made can affect ones' learning abilities, physical abilities, and intelligence.

         When creating a human from artificial cells, it gives one the opportunity to tweak the DNA, and genes within the cells. Ultimately you can create an ideal person in one's mind, and this was done. The scientist had created a young boy and girl, both with equal intelligence, and physical abilities. These traits had been equal with in the two, but compared to a normal traditional humans they were abnormally high. An artificial human has a very large advantage over a traditional human. When these specific traits are enhanced, it shows that a human can be specially made to prosper in a certain area. Eventually this will force the traditional human to be considered primitive.

        The one flaw with in this artificial human, is the one aspect that really makes a traditional human tick; emotion. This is one aspect that can not really be altered in a lab due to the fact that emotions have to do with psychological affects on someone's mind. Emotions can be the base for any career, relationship, or state of mind. Living life with out emotion is like living life on auto-pilot; completely disconnected. Being disconnected from society can be a bigger problem then it seems to be. This will cause the artificial human to have no sense of morals. The artificials will go through life doing what they are programed to do, being physical and intelligent. In other words they will be the most cut throat, humans on the face of the earth; their over all goal is to conquer, and they will do anything to get to that point. Much like Plato's cave theory these beings are raised in one reality sense they are lacking emotion, they do not know any better.

         They only way to deal with this issue would the be same way God dealt the evil with in humans; choose a certain group that will recreate what is necessary, and destroy the rest. Meaning the only way to fix this would be to start from scratch with artificial humans, and perfect the way in which they are created.

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