Thursday, October 6, 2011

Class notes 10/6/11

2020 computers to power the brain
information tech grows expotenially
doubles every year
speed of growth is growing, a billion times strong.
Cheap , smaller, and powerful vs old computers
2029 reverse engeinered of the brain
simulates emtions,intelligence, and human knowledge within key strokes
extending our tools to extend our reach.
will expland to the point where they can improve them selves.
not an alien take over

2020 computers powerfull enought to stimulate the brian
doubles even one year
million times more powerful in 20 years
billion in 25 due to speed of growth
2029 will have completed reverse engeirning of  the brain
2029, modled and stimulated the brain
combined this with the power of old mechanies

Free write- how old im going to be, what signifcant life experiences by that time
In 2020 I will be the age  of 28. At this time I am hoping that I have graduated with a masters and have gone on to be a guidance counsler in a local highschool. Along with this I will be married, no kids, yet. The one aspect of that would be very interesting is the fact that living in the world as a 28 year old now, and in 2020 would be very different. The contrasting element  is the power of computers to stimulate the brain. This will effect so many activies, experiences, and the way we go about our life. Now 20 years from the technology will have grown to the point that it will be a million times stronger. This could give us the opportunity to gives the computers more risky jobs. Things such as firemen, armies, and so on. If this developes to the point that these computer can improve themselves, they will eventually pass humans in developemant levels; they will eventually push us out.

The way they are hard wired, like a human, are hard wired to want power.
no trust for humanity or technology.
We are hiding behind technology, cause our social skills to become obsolite
Technology of Drones doing more demage then help. Actually being there makes it easier to avoid harming civilians.
Although you could make billions of dollars by cloning, the moral affect would have a very large downside.
   - go to a poor nation to build the "factory", cheap labor, and government help.
   - u.s does not have autority over another countries land.
Clip shows no retention of object permance, or knowledge, they act but do not retain.

"humanities childeren are coming home today"- number six, Battle star galactica

Education not keeping up with technology ?


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