Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Outline of Genesis 1-11 and Plato's "Allegory of the Cave"

I.Plato's Allegory of the Cave

- Prisoners that have been chained to the wall of this cave since birth. The chains have kept these people from escaping, and from turning around. Making their only form of reality the shadows on the wall that they see. Due to the fact that they can not turn around they do not realize that it is just the shadows of the people that walk by the fire.

- These shadows are their lives, entertainment, and knowledge. They study the shadows and the one who knows the most about these figures, may be able to conclude about the future.

II. Freedom

- One would think that if a prisoner were set free that they would embrace reality. Then go back to set to tell the others that there is a reality outside of their own.

- Those who are released end up wanting to go back to where they had been. If one was released from the cave they would want to go back to the cave. This is due to the fact that this is their life and they are not accustom to the light and larger reality.

- This relates to battle Star Galatica by showing that you never know what is beyond your own reality. The Sylons are the shadows on the wall, the outer reality that no one ever thinks to question. Also the number six (woman in the red dress) can be considered one of the shadows on the wall. In a way the doctor could not tell the difference between light and dark (reality vs. what is happening in his own mind)

-Those who are a part of the light State must do some sort of time in the dark to get a grasp of what life could be like. It opens up their minds to the fact that there are other possible realities out there. Those who abide by this will have a better understanding, wisdom, and will be more grateful for what they have. Over all this will better the society that they have.

Genesis 1-11

I. Six days of creation

-With in the first day god created the heavens, earth, and light. He determined that the darkness would be night and that the light would be day. On the second day created the sky and waters. On the third day he created earth, and plants. On the fourth day God created the sun, moon, and stars. On the fifth day God created animals; fish, birds, cattle. On the sixth day God created human kind, he mold humans after himself. God had provided Human kind with all that it needs; water, food, animals, day and night.

II. Another count of Creation.

- God had made it rain before he had created anyone to take care of the earth. Due to this he created a man from dust. Along with this God created the garden which consisted of everything that Adam needed to live. This consisted of two trees; the tree of life and the tree of Knowledge which he was forbidden to eat from. There is one river that is a product of this garden which splits into four rivers. Adam was to take care of the garden, but he was lonely. God had come to the conclusion to make another being other than man; Woman, Eve.

- Due to the fact that God created Eve from Adam it may show that women are inferior to men, maybe less knowledgeable, much like Battle star Galatica. The President had her own specialties, but when it came down to the current state and well being of the people, the Army general new better.

III. God had warned Adam and Eve that if they dare to eat from the tree of knowledge that they would die. The serpent, representing temptation along with the tree, told Eve that God was wrong; she would not die. Eve and Adam went on to eat from the tree and gain knowledge in which God had intended them not to know. Due to their sinning God said that they were now forbidden to eat from the garden of Eden, and that all reproduction must be painful for women.

- Everyone at some point in their life learns from their mistakes the hard ways. As a child you are warned by your parents not to do certain things, but eventually kids stop listening. This is when they must fail and learn the hard way. This is what God was preventing from happening, he did not want humans to fail and learn from "bad" knowledge or from their mistakes. Humans are no longer pure, or perfect.

IV. Noah's Ark

- God eventually became ashamed of the Human race, there actions and thought were continuously filled with evil. God had favor Noah and his family due to the fact that they were only humans with in the current race that obeyed him. Noah was told to make an Ark for him, his wife, his sons, their wives, and one of each animal. God had planned on flooding the earth and recreating the Human race. God wanted to save Noah and his family because he wanted to model all humans after them.

- This related to Battle Star Galactica, the ark represented the Ships. Maybe the sylons were sent by a higher being to wipe out their universe and start over.

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