Thursday, December 8, 2011

class notes 12/8/11

find one's problems with studying then create a solution

-reward system!

-Teach on the Beach-
Novels were donated
T-shirts were donated from the soccer team
Bracelets will be sent with the package as well
Christmas cards are in the process of being attained

Incorporating TOTB with our spring semester!

Learning projects for spring semester

Discussing topics and splitting into groups

- technology of marketing in the sports industry
  - social media being controlled by sports teams or agents?
- creating a question with depth

swapping books for second semester!- one of the books was found online for free

11/17/11 Class notes

Video Clip- Complex Vs. Simple

-Simplicity- Coffee cup is a device, the handle enables you to hold it with out being burnt. A tool used by society to maintain health
 Cell phone- rests on a complexity  with characteristics that are very different

Birth control- complexity, affect society that  changes women roles, they can now make choice in the birthing process

 tea pot problem- filled with hot water, why is the water hot? the energy, or it is sitting on the stove, because i wanted it to be, the universe

that single question is many questions in a the same form of words

complexity is very highly involved, is able to write papers about, fundamentally educational
simplicity is not presumed, too simple! almost non existent

simplicity of a simple kind- stacking: internet starts with binary arithmetic

-simplest possible way of representing numbers
binary- light switches; turning lights on and off in a simpler manor
cell phones- accustom to them working every where
google- making a highly complex search into a simple 2 second process
Predictable, you know what it is going to do and when - they are cheap
building or stacking- the information you can build off of
making a device that is reliable, cheap, and effective.
 simple cheap, and functional... that kind of simplicity causes it to be more attractive to the people/ audience

impossible for the person to understand the internet from the view point of someone who invented the transistor

binary is simple patterns of numbers ex. 10101010101010

one simple question has various difference complex answers

-intentional, scientific, universal, personal/philosophy ( because I put it there... because I want it to be...)

video clip number 2
 complexity leads to simplicity

complexity is not always complicated
-interconnections of species
-simple power of diagrams to make something complex seem very simple
predicting the connection of future response of an action through a diagram
complex problems - simple answer lie within complexity
counter insurgence program- active engagement, and ethnic rivalries

fair economic trade and services ?

  the class project does not have to be complex because it is complicated

not the subject matter, not the ending, it is the people behind the project making it complicated. to uncomplicated the matter, and still acknowledge the complexity

11/17/11 Class notes

Video Clip- Complex Vs. Simple

-Simplicity- Coffee cup is a device, the handle enables you to hold it with out being burnt. A tool used by society to maintain health
 Cell phone- rests on a complexity  with characteristics that are very different

Birth control- complexity, affect society that  changes women roles, they can now make choice in the birthing process

 tea pot problem- filled with hot water, why is the water hot? the energy, or it is sitting on the stove, because i wanted it to be, the universe

that single question is many questions in a the same form of words

complexity is very highly involved, is able to write papers about, fundamentally educational
simplicity is not presumed, too simple! almost non existent

simplicity of a simple kind- stacking: internet starts with binary arithmetic

-simplest possible way of representing numbers
binary- light switches; turning lights on and off in a simpler manor
cell phones- accustom to them working every where
google- making a highly complex search into a simple 2 second process
Predictable, you know what it is going to do and when - they are cheap
building or stacking- the information you can build off of
making a device that is reliable, cheap, and effective.
 simple cheap, and functional... that kind of simplicity causes it to be more attractive to the people/ audience

impossible for the person to understand the internet from the view point of someone who invented the transistor

binary is simple patterns of numbers ex. 10101010101010

one simple question has various difference complex answers

-intentional, scientific, universal, personal/philosophy ( because I put it there... because I want it to be...)

video clip number 2
 complexity leads to simplicity

complexity is not always complicated
-interconnections of species
-simple power of diagrams to make something complex seem very simple
predicting the connection of future response of an action through a diagram
complex problems - simple answer lie within complexity
counter insurgence program- active engagement, and ethnic rivalries

fair economic trade and services ?

  the class project does not have to be complex because it is complicated

not the subject matter, not the ending, it is the people behind the project making it complicated. to uncomplicated the matter, and still acknowledge the complexity

 healing a bone is not a complicated system it is complex.

Free write 12/8/11

what will be my greatest aspect in preparing for the next twelve days
whats going to be the greatest detriment

The next twelve days of this semester are the most important; finals week. An hour or two for each test; an hour that will represent a whole semester's worth of work in one test. Sounds stressful right? well it is. There are many things that one can do to prepare for this week. Some of the major aspect will be time management, priorities, and be organized in general. Now, when it comes down to time management, it is basically picking and choosing. Should I spend an hour in saga talking, and socializing, or should I spend that hour in the library. Priorities; which information should be focused on more than the rest. Organized; making study guides, keeping a schedule. My personal detriment; being over whelmed, I tend to look at the bigger picture instead of focusing on micro goals. 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

class notes 11/29/11

TaraMarie Crisafulli
Free Write

Steve Jobs: The Single most important class I have ever took was calligraphy (Fancy writing)
 When hearing this quote I think of one thing. If a single person is able to present themselves in a proper or high class way, they will be treated accurately to the way that they act. If done correctly when presenting one’s self, or their work, it is almost impossible to tell if they have had a prior education in the topic. This relates to calligraphy due to the fact that it is the English language, with a little swirl. Something that may seem more high class, or professional. This may represent that anything is possible if one conducts themselves in a professional way.  Writing is the foundations, to improving communication. 
Others thoughts:
This course would teach the foundation of communication
May have sparked him to create his own form of communication; apple inc.
The symbols used with in this are very intricate, takes patients to master
It flows easier; it is pleasing to the human eye.
The aspects that Steve jobs took away from this course helped him to go on and run his company. It was stated that he saw communication as a form of an art. Due to this class he create more user friendly o.s, and sleeker look.

Technology and sports
Technology and entertainment
Future of technology
Technology and the medical field
Technology and advertising / marketing (sports)
Technology and education
Technology and communication
Elements of the best class:
Movies and discussion
Time to relate to the teacher
Future use

How to:
More field trips
Current events
Connecting on a personal level/ related events
Dinner and movie
Teaching each other, learning from each other’s experiences / passion
Class project
 Must be kept up with, tons of loose ends that must be tied up.
Grading the project as a class?

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Free write 11/17/11

what is complex about our class project is...what is simple about our class project..
The complexity of this project is the  process in which we have to encounter. Much like any other system there are numerous steps, obstacles which make this project complex. The project breaks down into numerous different tasks or micro goals that may be harder to accomplish then we thought. When I say this I mean things such as actually receiving mattresses. The simple part about this project is getting the word out, and making people aware. The difficult part is actually making it happen. Micro goals make it easier to achieve our  macro goal, but some of those micro goals tend to turn into bigger obstacles.

others said
-lack of  motivation
- Talking alot, but we should do more

Thursday, November 3, 2011

11/3/11 class project notes

Helpful to create a website
- This will consist of the main goals, and how we will reach them
- Creating QRCs
- Gaining a personal story,this will draw in the people wanting to help the cause
- QRC can be used for email signatures
-Find free post areas
-Connnect the facebook page to the QRC
- use the slogan that we created 

11/3/11 class notes


-Dan uses hypothetical stuations that will get pople to stray away the banking system.
-Creating a new cause to distract those from what was going on
the canvas bags that are used in pricechopper
-He used each wing from the dragon fly affect to properly reach his goal
- set goals
- grabbed attention; youtube, sound of  a the plastic bag. Connection that every a time a bag opened something bad would happen. Eventually setting it up so that people would use canvas over plastic
- let people put in their own oppinions
-Put this cause in the hands of people that the audience would look up to
- He was pasionate enough about this cause that it made it easy for him to do all of these things
-Uses kids to get to their parents through twitter, and youtube
Also using technology such as flip video camera
CONCLUSION- any tool is a subject to misuse, and new tools are particulary prone to this because people don't have sufficient exprience to know hwat their pitfalls are
-Do not get distracted by other people's goals when setting out to reach our own

 create a new campaign to distract from your own problems
If i were a celeberity, and in the middle of getting a divorce I would use this attention for a greater good. When doing so I would also deflect the attention from myself. First I would set up a game plan/ or goals; decide over all what I wanted to achieve. In this case it would be awareness for some sort of medical disorder. I would grab the attention of my audience by using my situation to draw them in, they I would tell them about my cause. From there I would get the audience invovled some how, through facebook, twitter, youtube. By using the social networking websites it would enable those to vocie their own oppinion on the topic.

 This was done to show that the problem is the motive- nutural methods were given with in the  book.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

class notes 10/27/11

Onward and Upward
Dissilluisonment by the idea of making an impact
- easy to think that you are not making a difference
- project baby warmth
  donating, or buying a low cost baby incubators making a $20,000 instrument, $25
  not exactly knowing where to go with the project, but eventually narrowing in on their goal.
Taking an untouchable goal, and making it possible
Social good is building trust, cultivating happiness, building education and a community
 this can be both aligning and profitable

JP Morgan
Facebook poll for donating to charity
3 organizations- 2 of which was dealing with llegalization of marijuana
Starting out in a class and the potential to grow to somethign as big and popular a facebook

 Fear or Failure may hold you back but can also beused to spark your work ethic.
Simple things such as posting a status,tweet, or youtube could have been held back due to fear of judgement

Free write

        Things like posting a status, or tweeting seem very natural to some people. Natural to the point that they are willing to put any thought, idea, or support of a topic out there. There are alot of people that have thought twice about making their support or oppinion of a subject public. Personally, I do refrain from posting certain thoughts or idea due to the fear of judgement. Although when it comes to support of a cause, I do not think twice. As long as the cause I am supporting is a serious matter, and needs awareness I will be more than happy to post a facebook status, or like a group.

Goals are not impossible but to complete them you must set micro goals to gain that macro goal.
For example a 5 page paper on Romeo and Juliet
Micro goals
read play
Write a page a night
Proof read
Hand in
this equals out to the Macro goal of getting the paper done

Use media, small acts create big change.
anticapation of reward of the reward that gets the job done

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

class notes 10/25/11-free write-

Inspiration and System theories

Inspiration- from the latin term spirare meaning to breathe, to give life to.

    As I was little I remember thinking to myself, I just want to grow up, I want to be older. What sparked these thoughts was the fact that I was looking up to two people in my life; my older siblings. My brother Joe who is 7 years older than me, and sister Maura who is 2 years older than me. As I have grown up over the years they both have played a huge part in my life.  These two people have impacted the people I hang out with, how I conduct myself, and my life decisions. I have avoided, and gained many things from their expierences. Not only their expiernces, but their advice. It  was a proven fact that through out highschool there was a 100% chance that I would listen to my siblings over my parents. As I sit here today I am thankful for the fact that they were welcoming with taking me under their wing.

What happens to inspiration when you don't share it?
Does not go any where, doesn't change anything

open source-public resources,free
 - others can contribute to it
- youtube,firefox, wikipedia

Floerence Nightingale- Stake holders= The memebrs of the Military of that refused her help. Went back to England to gain support. The patients that have their lives invested in her treatment.


Draw a diagram in a flow chart for how I would like to second half of the sesmester to go.

Monday, October 24, 2011

BSG 33

Tara Crisafulli
Battle Star Galactic

            President Laura is the head of the ship;The president of a nation that is now on the run. Under these circumstances she does not exact feel comfortable in her environment, leading her to doubt her decisions. The two characters that seem to really reassure her are Dr. Baltar, and the Admiral. This is solely due to Dr. Baltar's conscious which is lead by number six, and Admirals' need to make the President still feel as though she is in charge.
             Number six can actually represent/ fore shadow the actions of the ships. She at one point mentions something to the doctor about wanting to have kids with her. She then goes on to explain that reproduction is apart of gods' plan. Not too long after she says this the president finds out that they lost a ship,dropping the population by a large amount. Later on in the episode she finds out that, during a jump a mother gave birth to a baby. This could show that they are ultimately following the right plan.

BSG water

Sharon 'Boomer' Valerii was one of many members, of what we would consider the air force. With in this episode she is a very dominate character. Although boomer seems to encounter some issues, she wakes up drenched not remembering how she got there or why there was a bomb in her bag. That bomb was one of many that missing from the equitment room. It was as if she had been sleep walking, or drugged. Boomer continues to strugle with this through out the episode. This could actually relate to the story of Adam and Eve. She may have exprienced something that she shouldnt have, causing her to black out the memory of it? Or the possibity that someone rulling her consious, something the along the lines of number six.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

10/20/11 class notes

45 year old love story
-higher education almost destroyed him
-squash champion
- went  on a service learning project- experienced starvation, death, and poverty
- now wants to help the cause, giving up all of his opportunities
-letting down the family by giving this up
- ended up learning more with in this experience
-they assumed something should be wrong due to the fact that he chose this village
- would like to start a college only for the poor- education is the key to moving up out of poverty
- barefoot college- redefined professionalism
   - must have a defined set of skills
   - knowledge and skills you have must be universal
   - life style of Ghandi, no written contracts, no more than $100 a month, you sleep on the floor
   - doesnt matter if you fail
    - teacher is the learner and the learner is the teacher
    -1986 was the first built college 1.50 a square foot
    - built by uneducated contractors
    - no hope for the soil too rocky dry, the village man said other wise
    - women water proofed
     - purely solar  powered, with 8 years of primary schooling
     - food is solar cooked- the women created a an elaborate solar cooker, completely uneducation
   - collecting water from the roof,
   -60% of kids have to work during the day keeping them from their education= created a night school
   - teaching things to help them survive in the real world
   - election every 4 years, prime minister 12 years old... voted by 4-6 years old
  -  they show pride in what they have instead of harping on what they don't have.

here vs. there

expected to go to college where as they are not.
experienceing what they don't have.
passing on experiences to others, not exactly defined as a traditional perfessional
school built around kids, not kids forming to the school

free write

   They call it hell week; mid terms. Although I have not had the pleasure of having to take a mid term test, I still have a large amount of work due this week. It is very stressfull and I find my self putting off doing work, but in the end it doesnt matter as long as it gets done the right way. Currently I am not so worried about my mid term grades. I find my self worrying more about the stress of keeping up with these grades through out the year.

class notes 10/20/11 wing 4

Take action..

 Alexis's lemonade stand- helping to raise money for childhood cancer. made over $2,000. over all goal was 1 million. when she got to 7,000 volvo donated the rest. Used twitter, and manipulated the time frame for beter and long ads. Less is more, the youtube.. 5k run taped.. found out the time that people stopped watching, shortened video to that time

A call to action
 how, and what will get people to help
must be highly focused.
must be diverse

what to ask for
right type of question- degree of separation, and emotional intensity
   - social separation  has alot to do with this( brad pit vs. a family member or friend)
  - Ask for time- as for time to help the cause, and not the money.  People are more interested  when asking for time.
- differentiate between first and second asks- take small steps towards the future

Make it easy
- must fix the smaller things to get to the bigger and better things.
- must make goals easy to get involved

make it fun
- takes away from the seriousness of the topic
- fun to play games, and get lemonade... seeing past the actually goal?

- they have an adavantage over others, will help them to be motivated to help the cause.
Be open
-others can add too, take from, and alter the cause
- fun cost free ways to contribute to charity

work sheet
1. Set up a program with a local company were they would match every result, and donate a product of theirs'. For example, for every basketball game played, facebook status set, or  lemonade bought, target would donate a set of sheets.
2. Make it a contest between classes, or groups.
4.Create a survey, and take polls for ideas that people would like to take part in.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

class notes 10/18/11

Wing 3: Engage
need to grab someones attention, with a connection or passion
 does not need logic or reason

Tell a story- personal, accessible, and surprising. Presentation counts, have to focus on something that is not common; not in the news.

Empathize-they will not relate to you unless you can relate to them. Build personal connection of of this relation.

Authenticity-If you can not build this connection, the audience will not be engaged.
example-- tv ad for christian children's fund

Match the media- Mix how you engage the audience by using social networking.  Facebook, twitter, tumblr. Communication and not just ads. Gives us the chance to connect through videos, status, sharing links.
Different kinds of media to connect to a different kind of audience

1/3 of Unwind by Neal Shusterman

Tara Crisafulli

Prof. Harden

            The future is something that some people may fear due to the unknown, while others embrace it. Within Unwind, by Neal Shusterman, a very clear picture of the future is painted. The route the author takes while doing this is a very unique one. When dealing with ideals about the future, the most common outcome is something along the lines of the Jetsons.  Flying cars and robot maids do not have a role with in this novel. Shusterman has created a world in which the morals of society have changed. This society finds things such as unwinding, storking, and harvest camps as acceptable. These main points within society today would be extremely controversial; storking and unwinding are equivalent to abortion and murder, and harvest camps are similar to concentration camps.

            The three main terms within this novel as stated before are unwinding, storking, and harvest camps. To unwind some is to fill an order for a child's soul to be separated from its body. After the body is separated from the soul, the body parts are sent on to be used as organ donations. This is done in the hope that the child's body parts will do them more justice then they would have done as a whole. Essentially, these children are being killed and their body parts used. The unwinding occurs at places referred to as harvest camps. Along with this very odd cultural sacrifice, parents often stork with in Shusterman's society. Storking is an act in which a mother who usually is not in the state to take care of her child gives up the baby. The mother will pick a door step, where she will then leave the child. By law the family who receives the baby is now legally responsible. If the mother is caught in the act of storking, by law she has to take the child back.

            Growing up in a society with such beliefs is very frightening. At any moment if a child says or does the wrong thing, the parent can decide to have them unwound. In Connor's case it was a buildup of events over time that pushed his parents to have him unwound. Connor was that child in school who had a large attitude, loved to pick fights, and found loop holes out of various situations. When he found the order stating the fact that he would be unwound, he of course had many feelings. One major thought was derived from anger, sadness, and fear; he had to run. Connor had devised a plan to run from the juvey cops, which he knew would not give him a lot of time. He had seen many other children run from being unwound, and all of them where caught. In this young man's mind, he had no other choice, so he ran. Along the way he had picked up to other unwinds, Risa, and Lev.

            Risa, and Lev had two very different cases compared to Connor. Risa was not being unwound due being a misfit; she was ward of the state. Risa had grown up in a State Home and was raised with a purpose like any other child in the home. She had been studying the piano for years, and that was her purpose. After fumbling over a couple of notes in a recital, she was called into the main office for a meeting. Within this meeting, Risa was informed that she was being unwound, because she has already reached her potential. Due to the lack in space with in the home and the number of children it housed, the adults had no choice but to fill the order to have Risa unwound.

            Both Risa and Connor were not aware of the fact that they would be unwound until the order had already been filled. On the other hand, Lev was informed that he would be unwound at a very young age. Lev was what they would call a tithe; being tithed is a religious sacrifice of a child. Lev's parents knew before he was born that they would unwind him as a sacrifice to God. With religion being a large part of Lev's life, he seemed to understand emotionally and physically what was going on. It was not until later in the book he realizes that he is completely alone, and he starts to question his own purpose in life.

            Now, you may be asking yourself, what exactly do these three children have to do with each other? Well here is how it all started. Connor, ever rebellious, decided to run from the Juvey cops and stow away in kind rig driver's cab. Due to the fact that he forgets to turn off his phone, he has a close run in with his father and the cops. After Connor runs across numerous lanes of traffic causing many accidents and dodging tranquilizer bullets, Lev final comes into play. As a distraction from the police, Connor reaches into a crashed car and grabs Lev. He then continues to use him a shield, eventually causing Lev to be hit by a tranquilizer. Connor throws him over his shoulder, and then runs off into the woods. In front of the woods is a bus that has rolled over, causing a flood of kids to emerge from the vehicle, one of which is Risa. The bus had been in route to the Harvest camp. Risa was grabbed by Connor too, and the three continued into the woods. Within the span of forty-eight hours, the three proceeded to knock out a cop, acquire a baby (after saving it from being stroked), and cause a school evacuation.

            After staying the night in the woods, the three children make their way to civilization. The first order of business was to find new clothes for them to wear. Risa had put on a very convincing act; she told a very unpleased woman that she was a part of a fundraiser for school and was wondering if she would like to donate clothes. No longer than 5 minutes later, Risa received a bag of clothes along with some canned food. After the boys had changed their clothing, they were on their way as there wasn't anything that was acceptable for a girl to wear. As the three were walking down the street a cop car had pulled up. Of course Lev, being unwillingly torn away from his tithing by Connor, does not know whether to yell for help or to keep walking. Risa and Connor see a bus that they could use as a cover up until the police leave. As they are stepping on to the bus, Connor realizes that the house across the street has been storked. Then distracted by the young baby, Connor goes over to save it. Due to prior experiences with storking, Connor does not feel comfortable leaving the baby behind.

            Connor wanting to save the baby now complicates things even more. Risa of course steps up to take care of the child, but that is not the problem. The problem is that they have to way to feed the poor child.  Without taking any of this into account they take a seat on the bus, now three teenage kids with a newborn baby. Once they make it to the school they decide that they have no choice but to enter. Connor, knowing he was around almost anything in a school, brings the newfound family to a bathroom to hide for the time being. Within the first two periods, they hide in the stalls. During this time Connor shares the story to why he felt compelled to save the storked baby, and Lev makes a run for it. When Risa decides to switch stalls, and realizes that Lev is no longer there.  This is where everything makes a drastic turn.

            Lev waited for the bell to ring so he could open the door without being heard and made a run for it. He then has someone direct him to the office where he explains to the woman what has been happening. Still being resentful of the fact that Connor and Risa interrupted his tithing and essentially kidnapped him, he sells them out. Of course, the administrators call the police, and Lev is offered a call to his parents. Shockingly, Lev decides not to contact his parents but Pastor Dan instead. This is when he learns that his parents did not send out a team of police to look for him. Pastor Dan had convinced them that this had to be a part of God's plan. Lev suddenly feeling completely alone, confused, and angry decides to take action. Finally realizing that Connor and Risa were right, he runs. Lev made one very smart move which may have complicated things, but at the same time helped the others in the end; he pulled the fire alarm. A sea of kids had flooded the fall way in a very unorganized, frantic matter. Hannah, a teacher with in the school on her way out, realizes that Connor, Risa, and the baby are hiding in a classroom. She comes to realize that they are not students, but she is willing to help them.

            In the craze of everyone running around, Hannah takes the baby from Risa so the police no longer recognize her. On the way out they get separated, and when Lev yells Risa's and Connor's names, he gives them away. As a distraction Risa and Connor pretend to be something called a clapper, which causes even more chaos with in the sea of people. Hannah finally finds them within the crowd and gives the young baby back. She then tells them to make their way to a store in town and ask for Sonia.

            Little did they know Sonia was running an underground railroad for unwinds that were lucky enough to make it this far, and she lets them stay in the basement of the shop for a couple days. The basement consisted of a bathroom, main room, and back room. The back room was given to Risa and the baby, the rest stayed in the main room. There were three others that had been there for a couple days before Risa and Connor had arrived. Their names are Mai, Roland, and Hadden. After a couple days with in the basement, each child has an appointment with Sonia. She has them each write a letter to  someone they love; a last good bye. Sonia has them put it in an envelope and puts the date of their 18th birthday on the back. If they do not come back a year after this date, the letter will be mailed, assuming that they died. Around a day later Sonia they tells them that the “ice cream man” is here for them. They are lead upstairs in the dark, and there is an old ice cream truck parked outside. This truck is filled with other unwinds trying to run. Hannah then shows up to take the baby from Risa. Hannah had discussed it with her husband, and they decided to take care of her.

            As the children pile into the stone cold truck they question where they are being taken. The answer to that question is never really answered. As Connor and Risa move on to the next stage in their adventure, they become closer. This is due to the fact that the only thing that they have to hang onto is each other.

How to Change the World: Florence Nightingale.

Tara Crisafulli


Prof. Harden

1.                  Detail the system that your subject encountered

Florence Nightingale aspired to be a nurse since she was a toddler.  The system that she was working against, and sometimes with was the military health care system of the 1800s. This system was under staffed, deprived of necessary tools, and was not organized. This often left a large percent of patients with a higher risk of death, or complications than normal.

2.                  Explain the need and the problems that your subject encountered

Nightingale arrived in Scutari during the Crimean war with a team of 38 nurses to find that there were over 2,400 wounded, or sick soldiers. Nightingale was not just under staffed but under minded. The army surgeons had forbid Nightingale and her staff to step foot with in the barracks due to the fact that they were women. After a short period of time they broke down, and allowed Nightingale to do her work. She was faced with supply, sanitary (rats, fleas etc.), and infection issues.  The largest problem amongst them all was the organization; Nightingale realized that the hospital was not even keeping the records in an organized/correct manor.

3.                  How did they attempt to change the understanding of the situation?

Nightingale attempted to change the system by carrying herself as if she was a politician. She was on a mission to fix this system, and would wheel and deal until she completed that mission. The first order of business was to acquire the supplies need to properly run the hospital. Nightingale and her staff cleaned the wards. After doing so they continued to make sure every soldier had a clean set of clothes. Due to those two actions it cut back the death rate dramatically.

4.                  How did they change the system?

Nightingale continued to change the system by introducing many new items, and methods. She started with very meticulous record keeping, which would lead the hospitals to keep better record, resulting in a smooth running system.  She also put in new kitchens, and laundry rooms, this also contributed to the sanitary problem. She made it mandatory that all soldiers’ clothes were to be washed in boiling water, and they must eat with clean cutlery.  The last little touch that really boosted the spirits of the patients was the fact that she would make nightly rounds, as if she was there mother, checking on each one of them.

5.                  What problems did they encounter? What setbacks?

The problems that Nightingale encountered consisted of smaller obstacles.  Things such as budgeting problems. When she first arrived she was not given the money she needed to turn the hospital around. She over came this by suing money that she had raised in England and brought over. The  money she raised did make a difference, but that much of a difference. Eventually she bargained with the War office to give her  a larger budget, and they did so. The other problems she encountered were the fact that when you change a system you don't just change the system itself, you change what builds the system. Meaning you must change the behavior, the expectations, and the attitude of the people involved with it.

6.                  Who were the allies? The opposers?

Nightingale created a large movement of women pushing to be a part of the health system. One of the main supporters consisted of Queen Victoria. Nightingale refused to even have an interview with anyone until Queen Victoria asked to speak with her.  She made an exception for the Queen due to the fact that she knew it would be pure business.

7.                  Explain how the new system works.

This new system is up and running and has been for years. The foundation for this system is organization, good attitudes, fallowing producers. Every hospital must be thoroughly cleaned, well-staffed, and have the necessary tools to operate.  Nightingale had published numerous journals that are still used till today to teach nurses, and other health professionals to conduct their jobs.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Free write 10/11/11

 A system I am invovled in is Siena College. As of last may 2011 I was enrolled as a student at this insitituion; after this act was comitted I was officailly apart of the Siena system. I then  had to wait to hear from the school about my financial aid package, then from there I would apply for a student loan. The fact that I would have to wait for this letter to come in the mail would hold up my application for my student loan.  This loan would allow me to attend Siena college this fall. When I got this letter I was able to apply and official attend classes. Another system that is involved in becoming a college student is purchasing books. I would have to wait until I recieved my book list from my professors, then hope that the book store would have them in stock.

class notes 10/11/11 notes on wing 2

Stickiness: grabbing and holding attention
must createa  way for people to want  to know more
using social networking systems such as facebook
   - used facebook to connect to others around the world
Emotionally stimualting pictures for example the twin towers
time money and enjoyment
 lemonade stand example

Lead with what is important
   - relatable
   - facts
   - leading with a question, causing the audience to be more open minded
    - be orignal and use humor
Coca Cola
- happiness machine- flowers or pizza with coke, associating coke with good things, leading people to come back

Visualize your message
85-90% of what we see is what we remember
baby face- warm and honest
masculine-  more dominant
- the use of hash tags, and retweeting
refusion, replacement, juxtaposition

replacement is the most common and affective

make a connection
sensory images to grab attention
sight, sound, and smell
examples the cancer braclets - yellow, and pink for breast cancer
music- beat or hook

creating a baseline with social network
facebook, google, twitter
knowing who is following you and targeting that crowd


Tara Crisafulli

Prof. Harden


                        The smell of fresh baked bread, cookies, or aroma of garlic instantly reminds me of my grandmother. The time I have spent with her in my early child, and recently is priceless, very few things can remind me of this.  Anyone who is human has some sort of memory trigger, whether it is a verbal saying, song, or smell. A traditional human can attain this aspect, but can an artificial human being do the same?

            The definition of sentience is a feeling or sensation as distinguished from perception and thought, according to In lighter terms sentience is attained by memory triggers. A human being builds these memory triggers by learning from experiences. Experiences such as touching a hot stove, and burning yourself. After this experience one learns that the stove is hot, and not to touch it. The next time  this person sees a stove it will trigger their memory, reminding them that it will hurt if you touch it. This shows that traditional humans attain sentience by learning, and remembering. These acts are almost impossible to be attained by an artificial human being. An artificial human being is much like a computer, it has no control over how it is programed, causing to not have the power to question its programing. Artificial humans attain knowledge and store it, but do not know have the authority to apply it half of the time; much like the clip shown in class. The robot that comes across the rubber duckie, then throws it out. Within a minute later he is asked if he has seen this rubber duckie, he replies no. The robot at this time does not attain object permanence, or a mental representation of this duck. This is due to the fact that robots, much like artificial humans can not develop themselves like a traditional human.

             A traditional human can develop emotions, memory, mental representation, and object permanence as they grow. On the other hand artificial humans can not develop; they can only work off of what they are given. Making it impossible for artificial humans to attain sentience.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Class notes 10/6/11

2020 computers to power the brain
information tech grows expotenially
doubles every year
speed of growth is growing, a billion times strong.
Cheap , smaller, and powerful vs old computers
2029 reverse engeinered of the brain
simulates emtions,intelligence, and human knowledge within key strokes
extending our tools to extend our reach.
will expland to the point where they can improve them selves.
not an alien take over

2020 computers powerfull enought to stimulate the brian
doubles even one year
million times more powerful in 20 years
billion in 25 due to speed of growth
2029 will have completed reverse engeirning of  the brain
2029, modled and stimulated the brain
combined this with the power of old mechanies

Free write- how old im going to be, what signifcant life experiences by that time
In 2020 I will be the age  of 28. At this time I am hoping that I have graduated with a masters and have gone on to be a guidance counsler in a local highschool. Along with this I will be married, no kids, yet. The one aspect of that would be very interesting is the fact that living in the world as a 28 year old now, and in 2020 would be very different. The contrasting element  is the power of computers to stimulate the brain. This will effect so many activies, experiences, and the way we go about our life. Now 20 years from the technology will have grown to the point that it will be a million times stronger. This could give us the opportunity to gives the computers more risky jobs. Things such as firemen, armies, and so on. If this developes to the point that these computer can improve themselves, they will eventually pass humans in developemant levels; they will eventually push us out.

The way they are hard wired, like a human, are hard wired to want power.
no trust for humanity or technology.
We are hiding behind technology, cause our social skills to become obsolite
Technology of Drones doing more demage then help. Actually being there makes it easier to avoid harming civilians.
Although you could make billions of dollars by cloning, the moral affect would have a very large downside.
   - go to a poor nation to build the "factory", cheap labor, and government help.
   - u.s does not have autority over another countries land.
Clip shows no retention of object permance, or knowledge, they act but do not retain.

"humanities childeren are coming home today"- number six, Battle star galactica

Education not keeping up with technology ?


Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Creation of artificial life

Tara Crisafulli


Prof. Harden

         As the artificial cell had been born, the scientist had created a purpose, and a plan for these cells. At one point they will become humans. According to, the definition of a human is, of or pertaining to the social aspect of people: human affairs. Even though these people had not been created the traditional way, they are still human. Artificial life is does not fallow the same steps as traditional human life. Being artificially made can affect ones' learning abilities, physical abilities, and intelligence.

         When creating a human from artificial cells, it gives one the opportunity to tweak the DNA, and genes within the cells. Ultimately you can create an ideal person in one's mind, and this was done. The scientist had created a young boy and girl, both with equal intelligence, and physical abilities. These traits had been equal with in the two, but compared to a normal traditional humans they were abnormally high. An artificial human has a very large advantage over a traditional human. When these specific traits are enhanced, it shows that a human can be specially made to prosper in a certain area. Eventually this will force the traditional human to be considered primitive.

        The one flaw with in this artificial human, is the one aspect that really makes a traditional human tick; emotion. This is one aspect that can not really be altered in a lab due to the fact that emotions have to do with psychological affects on someone's mind. Emotions can be the base for any career, relationship, or state of mind. Living life with out emotion is like living life on auto-pilot; completely disconnected. Being disconnected from society can be a bigger problem then it seems to be. This will cause the artificial human to have no sense of morals. The artificials will go through life doing what they are programed to do, being physical and intelligent. In other words they will be the most cut throat, humans on the face of the earth; their over all goal is to conquer, and they will do anything to get to that point. Much like Plato's cave theory these beings are raised in one reality sense they are lacking emotion, they do not know any better.

         They only way to deal with this issue would the be same way God dealt the evil with in humans; choose a certain group that will recreate what is necessary, and destroy the rest. Meaning the only way to fix this would be to start from scratch with artificial humans, and perfect the way in which they are created.

Outline of Genesis 1-11 and Plato's "Allegory of the Cave"

I.Plato's Allegory of the Cave

- Prisoners that have been chained to the wall of this cave since birth. The chains have kept these people from escaping, and from turning around. Making their only form of reality the shadows on the wall that they see. Due to the fact that they can not turn around they do not realize that it is just the shadows of the people that walk by the fire.

- These shadows are their lives, entertainment, and knowledge. They study the shadows and the one who knows the most about these figures, may be able to conclude about the future.

II. Freedom

- One would think that if a prisoner were set free that they would embrace reality. Then go back to set to tell the others that there is a reality outside of their own.

- Those who are released end up wanting to go back to where they had been. If one was released from the cave they would want to go back to the cave. This is due to the fact that this is their life and they are not accustom to the light and larger reality.

- This relates to battle Star Galatica by showing that you never know what is beyond your own reality. The Sylons are the shadows on the wall, the outer reality that no one ever thinks to question. Also the number six (woman in the red dress) can be considered one of the shadows on the wall. In a way the doctor could not tell the difference between light and dark (reality vs. what is happening in his own mind)

-Those who are a part of the light State must do some sort of time in the dark to get a grasp of what life could be like. It opens up their minds to the fact that there are other possible realities out there. Those who abide by this will have a better understanding, wisdom, and will be more grateful for what they have. Over all this will better the society that they have.

Genesis 1-11

I. Six days of creation

-With in the first day god created the heavens, earth, and light. He determined that the darkness would be night and that the light would be day. On the second day created the sky and waters. On the third day he created earth, and plants. On the fourth day God created the sun, moon, and stars. On the fifth day God created animals; fish, birds, cattle. On the sixth day God created human kind, he mold humans after himself. God had provided Human kind with all that it needs; water, food, animals, day and night.

II. Another count of Creation.

- God had made it rain before he had created anyone to take care of the earth. Due to this he created a man from dust. Along with this God created the garden which consisted of everything that Adam needed to live. This consisted of two trees; the tree of life and the tree of Knowledge which he was forbidden to eat from. There is one river that is a product of this garden which splits into four rivers. Adam was to take care of the garden, but he was lonely. God had come to the conclusion to make another being other than man; Woman, Eve.

- Due to the fact that God created Eve from Adam it may show that women are inferior to men, maybe less knowledgeable, much like Battle star Galatica. The President had her own specialties, but when it came down to the current state and well being of the people, the Army general new better.

III. God had warned Adam and Eve that if they dare to eat from the tree of knowledge that they would die. The serpent, representing temptation along with the tree, told Eve that God was wrong; she would not die. Eve and Adam went on to eat from the tree and gain knowledge in which God had intended them not to know. Due to their sinning God said that they were now forbidden to eat from the garden of Eden, and that all reproduction must be painful for women.

- Everyone at some point in their life learns from their mistakes the hard ways. As a child you are warned by your parents not to do certain things, but eventually kids stop listening. This is when they must fail and learn the hard way. This is what God was preventing from happening, he did not want humans to fail and learn from "bad" knowledge or from their mistakes. Humans are no longer pure, or perfect.

IV. Noah's Ark

- God eventually became ashamed of the Human race, there actions and thought were continuously filled with evil. God had favor Noah and his family due to the fact that they were only humans with in the current race that obeyed him. Noah was told to make an Ark for him, his wife, his sons, their wives, and one of each animal. God had planned on flooding the earth and recreating the Human race. God wanted to save Noah and his family because he wanted to model all humans after them.

- This related to Battle Star Galactica, the ark represented the Ships. Maybe the sylons were sent by a higher being to wipe out their universe and start over.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

One aspect from the reading that applies to..

Tara Crisafulli

Prof. Harden

FYSM- Kelly Behrend and HATCH

              The Dragonfly affect, written by Andy Smith and Jennifer Aaker, demonstrates the basic guide to success. With in the first “wing” of this book these social networking savvy authors discuss a mnemonic device, HATCH. This stands for Humanistic, Actionable, Testable, Clarity, and Happiness. Aaker and Smith show with many different cases that following these aspects one will achieve their goal. With in this course we have visited numerous sites, and listened to a number of lectures. One of which really demonstrated the use of HATCH; Kelly Behrend's journey with service-learning projects.

            As Behrend ventured through the college experience she did not exactly know what she was doing, but she knew what she want to build up to. Unknowingly she used the HATCH theory and applied it very well. Kelly Behrend's over all goal was the fact that she want to make a difference in the world, and have a purpose; this was her target. She also had micro goals, such as the English for a second language class that she taught. Being able to teach this course, balance school work, and build strong relationships showed her that she could make a difference. This first obstacle was one of her micro goals that she had to complete in order to complete her macro goal. Behrend continued to follow this pattern, and made sure that her micro goals were reachable. She completed things such as getting her friend a job at her college cafateria. Now, if she had diced that she wanted to stop the war with in the country that her friend had came from, that would be non-testable or reachable. As she continued to this, then eventually found her clarity. This was the fact that she would create her own major. Which also played into her happiness; she was enjoying the work that went into making her own major. The fact that Behrend was happy doing this it made her more willing to work.

           Kelly Behrend would have never been able to accomplish her final goal if she had not gone about it the way she did. Along with Behrend's case there are numerous others proving the evidence that this HATCH theory actually works. In order to succeed one must have a target,plan, goals that are realistic, a clear goal, and to be happy with what they are doing.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


TaraMarie Crisafulli

FYSM-  Apple presentation

Prof. Harden

            The Apple company has changed the technology industry in a matter of years; something I personally thought could not be done. Apple has guided the development of technology in many different fields. This growing company seems to have its hands in everything, from medical tools, business tools, to the simplest luxury of listening to music on an Ipod. 

            In the last business quarter, Apple sold around 20 million Iphones. That was only one business quarter and only one product. When I think of the Apple company, I think of Ipods, computers, and Iphones. This company has developed their products to the point where they have the time to focus solely on how to make their product environmentally friendly. The uni-body design of their laptop cuts down on the over use of materials.  If you look at a PC laptop and compare it an Apple, you will realize that PC laptops have many different panels and pieces; an Apple laptop has one main sheet of aluminum on the top and bottom, making it more eco-friendly.

Apple has developed their products so thoroughly that they have moved on to other fields that need technological improvement.  For example, they now create products such as blood pressure monitors. This allows a patient with a health problem to monitor their blood pressure at any point in the day and anywhere they want something that was near impossible before Apple’s product. All they need to do is plug the product into their Iphone, making a very inconvenient task very accessible.  

Yes, Apple has started to show how technology can be used in very serious and important situations, but this company will not give up on their entertainment and luxury items, such as the recently released Irig.  This product allows you to hook up your guitar to your Iphone. With it, you can record and in ways edit your music. If you ask any musician they will tell you that without this product it is very complicated to complete such tasks.

This growing company continues to show their clients that they are always one step ahead of the game.  Apple, throughout the years has shaped and molded the standards of the technology industry. As the years go on I can positively say that this company will continue to expand to other different fields.

St. john's/ St. Ann's

TaraMarie Crisafulli

FYSM- St. John's/St.Ann's Outreach Center

Prof. Harden

            St. John's/ St. Ann's Outreach center has single handily helped hundreds of families over the last 30 years. This outreach center has provided stability for those who can not provide it for themselves. The center has done this by providing three meals a day, comfort, a pantry that is open to anyone, and common house hold items. As I am sitting here, I am thinking to myself, this is a lot that one single center does. Now mix the hard work, and devotion of these returning volunteers or workers with some sort of technology. The goals that St.John’s/ St. Ann's center could achieve would be endless.

             St. John's/ St. Ann’s as of right now are working of off a budget and donations. These donations are results of advertisements, personal experience, or word of mouth. What some people do not realize is the fact that one simple story and the mention of an establishment such as the center can go a long way. A lot of the donations they receive are because of the fact that people have heard about what the center is doing, and they want to help.  Now if the good 'ol grape vine can have that much effect on donations, picture what a website can do. If a simple facebook group could be set up, it would do wonders for the center. The page could send out notifications for events, or when the center might need more volunteers.  It is the domino effect that could really help the center get noticed; one person likes it on Facebook and recommends it to ten friends. Out of those ten friends you might get another five more people to like the page.

 With the use of other social networking sites such as twitter the outreach center can send out information even faster. Twitter can be used to inform volunteers, spread the word about special items they have in stock (seasonal clothing, beds etc.), or inform the community of other events the center is holding. Also the website Youtube can be beneficial, if someone posts a quick clip of what happens at the outreach center on regular bases it will raise awareness.

            St.John's/ St. Ann's outreach center has provided almost every aspect of life for their members. of its community. The one major aspect that they have provided is an education. This center has also started a G.E.D/ college preparation program for anyone who wishes to participate. Turning out 13 graduates last year; aging in the range from 18-68.  This program does not only promote education with in the community, but it also promotes a foundation for a good future.  This G.E.D program will increase the number of college students in the area, which will give them more job opportunities. Now seeing as the program by itself has done a lot, why not take it to the next level. If this program offered a  course on computer use, it would benefit the people of the community even more. This is due to the fact that almost any job in society today holds a requirement of having to know how to operate a computer; giving the people another advantage.

            Those who have grown up in this generation have taken technology for granted. We do not realize how a simple computer, or an advertisement on the side of a web site can really make a difference.




Information literacy

Tara Crisafulli

Prof. Harden


            Technology has forever change the way people read, write, and educate themselves. When one thinks of technology something such as a card catalog does not come to mind. The “old school” ways of a library have been changed due to a simple computer. If I remember correctly, when I was in fifth grade I would have to dig through multiple different draws of a card catalog before finding the card that you needed. This being very time consuming and aggravating needed a change; an online card catalog. Along with this online catalog, technology has advanced many different aspects of information literacy.

             The use of an online catalog does not just save time, but it is more convenient and organized. If one wanted to find out if there are multiple copies of a book, or if they were check out, it could be done in a heartbeat. On the rare occasion that all copies are checked out, or the library does not have the book you need, one would turn to loaning from other collections. Due to the fact that these other collections are at other institutions, it makes it hard to find out what they have. New York connect now makes it possible to search for a book with in collections that belong to colleges/universities around New York state. Then allowing you to check out the book, and have it delivered to your school. The only flaw in this is the fact that it could take up to a week for the book to come in.

            Time is a reoccurring problem that technology is able to sweep under the rug. Loaning books from other collections is very beneficial, but there is one more tool that makes Connect New York look like an item of the past; online search engines. Search engines began with Google, Yahoo, and Ask Jeeves  then continued to stretch to things like  Wilson web, Pro quest, or Lexus Nexus. Engines such as Google give you results that match up with you input. This does not necessarily mean that it has anything to with the topic, or item you are looking for. Where as Pro quest, Lexus Nexus, or Wilson web are a more developed; when searching you are able to narrow down your results. These engines let you search by key word, topic, time period, or type ( newspaper article, novel, journal etc.).  This allows one to access information in a timely, less aggravating manor.

            The ability to locate, identify, and access information is a large part of society.  Some may consider the purpose of technology is for timely access, and as stated with in this blog, technology has done its job.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

kelly Behrend

Tara Crisafulli

Prof. Harden

Bonner organization

            Four years; 1,460 days, this is a large amount of time in which one person can change. The opportunity is open to change not just themselves, but to change their surroundings. Four years is enough time to write a book, make life long friends, get a degree, and many other things. When Kelly Behrend began her freshman year she knew she wanted to make a difference. She did not know that with in four years she would travel the world, create her own major, and help dozens of people. All of which she was able to do because of service-learning projects.

            Kelly Behrend joined the Bonner Society as a freshman in college, not really knowing how this would affect her. This society requires 8-10 hours of community service a week, and in return these students are rewarded with scholarships. The reward of earning this scholarship is not the sole purpose of this society. The sole purpose is to show that you can gain more than a scholarship from helping others. Behrend described her first service project with such passion that you would think it happened yesterday. Her first project consisted of teaching English for a second language course at a church not to far from her school. This seems as if it would be a simple task, but it is not. It takes a large amount of patience and energy to accomplish this task. Through doing this Behrend found herself not just teaching a class, but translating doctors' notes, bills, and eviction notices. When she took on this job she soon realized she was not just teaching, she was slowly becoming a part of these peoples' families. Behrend became the voice that these people did not have.

            Kelly Behrend gained a large amount of experience from her teaching, and even more from her trips around the world. The service-learning projects taught her that you must understand every side of the story. People don't realize that immigrants and refugees are just thrown into this country, without any prior knowledge of our language. Through projects like Behrend's English class, one realizes that these people do really want to learn, and understand what is going on around them. Sometimes it the fact that they don't receive the benefit of the doubt, which holds them back.


Thursday, September 15, 2011

St. John's / St. Ann's outreach center

Tara Crisafulli

FYSM- St. John's/St.Ann's Outreach Center

Prof. Harden

                St. John's/ St. Ann's Outreach center has single handily helped hundreds of families over the last 30 years. This outreach center has provided stability for those who can not provide it for themselves. The center has done this by providing three meals a day, comfort,a pantry that is open to anyone, and common house hold items. As I am sitting here, I am thinking to myself, this is a lot that one single center does. Now mix the hard work, and devotion of these returning volunteers or workers with some sort of technology. The goals that St.John's/ St. Ann's center could achieve would be endless.

              St. John's/ St. Ann's as of right now is working of off a budget of and donations. These donations are results of advertisements, personal experience, or word of mouth. What some people do not realize is the fact that one simple story, and the mention of an establishment such as the center can go a long way. A lot of the donations they receive are because of the fact that people have heard about what the center is doing, and they want to help. Now if the good 'ol grape vine can have that much effect on donations, picture what a website can do. If a simple facebook group could be set up, it would do wonders for the center. The page could send out notifications for events, or when the center might need more volunteers. It is the domino effect that could really help the center get noticed; one person likes it on Facebook and recommends it to ten friends. Out of those ten friends you might get another five more people to like the page.

            St.John's/ St. Ann's outreach center has provided almost every aspect of life for their members. of its community. The one major aspect that they have provided is an education. This center has also started a G.E.D/ college preparation program for anyone who wishes to participate. Turning out 13 graduates last year; aging in the range from 18-68. this program does not only promote education with in the community, but it also promotes a foundation for a good future. This G.E.D program will increase the number of college students in the area, which will give them more job opportunities. Now seeing as the program by itself has done a lot, why not take it to the next level. If this program offered a course on computer use, it would benefit the people of the community even more. This is due to the fact that almost any job in society today holds a requirement of having to know how to operate a computer. Once again giving the people another advantage.

      Those who have grown up in this generation have taken technology for granted. We do not realize how a simple computer, or an advertisements on the side of a web site can really make a difference.